Cosmetic Contouring

Odontoplasty is the process of reshaping teeth, also referred to as cosmetic contouring. Patients with teeth needing the shape or size changed or repaired can receive cosmetic contouring at the Centre for Cosmetic Dentistry in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania.

Cosmetic contouring requires the removal of some of the tooth enamel, but the procedure is simple and will restore the size and shape of the tooth (or teeth) to normal. Enamel is the hard outer layer of a tooth that protects the structures inside. The depth of enamel available to remove is limited by the original tooth structure. The internal structure cannot be exposed.

Cosmetic contouring is a short and painless procedure that does not require any recovery period. The entire procedure can usually be completed in one office visit and, more importantly, without needing an anesthetic.

Dental bonding is often used along with cosmetic contouring. Not only can contouring fix cracked or chipped teeth, but it can be used to reverse damage from bruxism (teeth grinding) and make it easier to clean between teeth.

If you would like to talk about your contouring options, call 610-459-5002 to make an appointment.